Saturday, December 18, 2010

Understanding the Art

For some people, elegance just comes so easily. For me, it is a very large chore. I have grown up in the woods with no need for the art of elegance. most of my life was away from the social hub of people and I ended developing a culture of my own.So when I came out to be among people, I cannot help but notice how much different they are from me. one of the first things that I had to learn was how to talk to the people and also how to have good manners at the table so that I may not offend people. It is amazing how people get offended by the things that you do that is outside the norm of their culture. Considering that the American culture is the culture with many cultures, there is still a fixed norm that cannot be ignored. How you walk, how you dress, and how you present yourself to people is what basically decided whether you are considered part of their society or not.
 I must admit that i face my own frustrations at other people's oddities but I cannot help but be fascinated at how much different they are from me. I know that I must understand this particular fact: I am not truly a part of this culture. But that does not mean that I cannot learn about their culture and try to communciate to them through it.  That is the whole point of trying to learn this art of elegance which is to communicate to people in the most effective way possible. 80% of communication is nonverbal which is why it is important on how you present yourself to others. I f you truly want to show that you care about them, you must show them that you care about their culture and how they do things. These are the few stepping stones on being able to communicate the love of God. I will get in more detail later. With that thought in mind, I shall let you all go for now. I must rest. God belss you all always and may He lead you deeper in His ways.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Possibly Missing?

Entertain my thoughts for now. I am probably just tired and I know that a rest will do me wonders. But I must ask myself: I have set all these goals for myself in order to better myself and equip myself for God's service, but am I missing something?? The one thing I have always yearned for secretly within my heart past my independent exterior is the security of my own family. I have always talked myself out of even thinking of having a man and focusing on the fact that I have acceptance from God. But is it possible to have someone that is on the same path as me? Is it possible to be able to have that family of my own and I don't have to ever leave it? ahhh...just rambilings late in the night. Sleep well....remember your families...hold them close to your heart, pray for there for them....and love them.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Resolutions for 2011

There are many things that I would like to accomplish in this coming year. But the one thing that I seek to become is the person that my Lord would like me to be. My goal is be a communicator between ambassador among nations, to speak the Word of the Lord in and out of be elegant in my approach, to be skilled in many areas, to be servant and a helper....serving God with all my heart and being a help to all people in need. Here are just a few of my goals for this coming year:

Grow Closer in my Walk with Christ
Learn Korean and Spanish
Earn my Bachelor of Science in Religion with minor in Intercultural Studies
Begin my work in a Master of Arts in Teaching: Elementary Education
Learn the Art of Professionalism, Elegance, Cross-cultural Communication
Master Martial Arts

These are just a few....and they are only the beginning....